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Your Wall And Ceiling Installer Apprenticeship Training Program Begins Here
After you have secured employment with a wall and ceiling contractor and have completed approximately 1 year of on-the-job training, you qualify to enroll in the Apprenticeship Training program. You will need your employer to sponsor you during your apprenticeship program. You can discuss your program options with the BCWCA Training Coordinator who will assist you with completion of the necessary paperwork.
Step 1:
Please proceed to the Skilled Trades BC website Register · Custom Portal and complete your registration application to become an apprentice. When completing your form, please be sure to list your trade as Lather (Interior Systems Mechanic).
Have your sponsor complete the sponsorship section of the portal, sign and submit as per the directions. Skilled Trades BC will send your sponsor a wallet size registration card with your Trade Worker ID number (TWID) officially recognizing your apprenticeship program. Your Sponsor is to give you the wallet card. At this point your sponsor can then begin recording your work place hours which are an important part of your apprenticeship training.
Call Skilled Trades BC and request your Apprenticeship Advisor for assistance with claiming back hours if applicable. Follow this link to see all the information about the Wall and Ceiling (Lather) program.
Please call the BCWCA Training Coordinator for information about the Drywall Finisher or Plasterer Trades at 604-575-0511.
Step 2:
Choose a wall and ceiling course from the Course Schedule. The BCWCA courses are all offered on a part-time basis, all day Friday, all day Saturday so you can continue working during your training.
Step 3:
Call the BCWCA Training Coordinator during regular business hours for assistance with the forms or further program information at 604-575-0511.