Mission & Ethics of the BCWCA
Mission Statement
To promote, foster, and improve industry apprenticeship, training, and technical transfer within the Wall and Ceiling industry at levels and by methods appropriate to the Membership and the construction industry.
Code of Ethics
Members of the British Columbia Wall and Ceiling Association will conduct their business in accordance with the following:
- Promote the use of quality products and systems, furnished and installed by reliable and responsible contractors with a skilled trained labour force.
- Be aware of the Association’s policies with respect to specifications standards, established tolerances, and competitive practices.
- Abide by the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws, and Code of Ethics.
- Respect the principles, rules and procedures of the bid depository, where these rules are in effect.
- Abide by the legislation, building codes and bylaws in effect in the Province of British Columbia.
- Recognize the need for the welfare of members’ employees, including their occupational health and safety and adopt policies and action to ensure this.
- Employ skilled and qualified trades persons, and support the development of a skilled workforce through apprenticeship training and continuing education.
- Cooperate with one another so that membership in the BC Wall and Ceiling Association is seen by others as being synonymous with conducting business on the basis of accuracy, truth, integrity, and good faith.